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New Zealand Arapawa Goat Association

New Zealand Arapawa Goat Association

(Incorporating the International Arapawa Goat Association)


Arapawa goats lose a friend

This tribute to Betty Rowe appeared in the Autumn 2008 issue of The Ark (Rare Breeds Survival Trust. Photo by Gail Simons.

Peter Titley, the Chairman of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) in the United Kingdon, sadly reports that Betty Rowe who spearheaded the campaign to save the Arapawa Goats in New Zealand, died on 18 May, having suffered a stroke earlier in the month.

Many RBST members will be aware that we lent our organisational support to challenge the threatened indiscriminate cull of the goats by the New Zealand government. The campaign was starting to realise very real progress thanks to Betty's indomitable spirit and determination to stand up to bureaucracy.

Said Peter "Her campaigning zeal attracted world wide publicity and support and she was one of those rare people who quickly became a trusted friend to many across international boundaries. I recognised this quality even though we had never met in person. It is therefore sad that Betty, who had so much energy; had given so much and had so much more to offer, is no longer with us.

"The fact that an organisation is developing in New Zealand to ensure that Betty's mission continues is a fitting tribute to a remarkable and practical conservationist who was an inspiration to many people. Her work gave meaning to the concept of international conservation and her example enthused people well beyond the shores of her adopted land. I have written to her family on behalf of RBST."

Return to Betty Rowe – Arapawa Wildlife Sanctuary

See also tributes from Rare Breeds NewZ,   Lifestyle Farmer,   Growing Today, and ALBC News.

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New Zealand Arapawa Goat Association

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